Welcome to Bahati Community Centre Secondary School official Website! We are located in Nairobi's Kayole/Soweto Slums behind Jacaranda Estate, off Savannah Road.

Education is Treasure



Sunday, July 18, 2021

NICHOLAS KASYOKI MWANIA, who comes from a broken family, and who was once a construction siteworker says: "... I encountered very many difficulties because my parents separated when I was in standard seven. At that time, I lost hope of ever of continuing with my education... I had no hope of continuing with my education. I have worked at the construction sites to earn a living. One day while we were at home someone came to visit us with some good news. She told my grandmother that there is a centre called BCC, which helps children with special needs. She told my grandmother to take me there. My grandmother took me there the following day. As I heard that I was as happy as Sir Isaac Newton when he discovered the force of Gravity. To be sincere, I even jumped up and down several times like a Maasai cow when it gives birth to identical twins. Tears of joy flowed down my cheeks like two streams. That was on 4th February 2004. After joining BCC, I have worked so hard to achieve my goals and now I am in Form 3."

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