Welcome to Bahati Community Centre Secondary School official Website! We are located in Nairobi's Kayole/Soweto Slums behind Jacaranda Estate, off Savannah Road.

Education is Treasure



Sunday, July 18, 2021

BCC's First Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Candidates (KCSE)2005: Back Row(from left to right): Philip Kioko, Samuel Wanjohi, Josephat Kimari, Kevini Safari (Teacher), Lazarus Ogembo (Principal) James Muruga, James Kimani (Teacher), Peter Gikonyo, Patrick Wafula(Director), John Omondi (ex-school Captain), Nathan Mburu. Middle Row(Leaning: Letf to right): Gorge Okwiri, Abraham Kiema, Roseclares Musyimi. Front Row(Squatting:left to right) Peter Theuri, Peter Kimani, Tabitha Mugo, Virginia Kasalu, Benard Omondi, Hellen Adoyo, Mary Mwangi, Jane Mwikali, Samuel Manyeki, and Sospeter Odindi(forefront) THE FIRST BCC Secondary School K.C.S.E(KENYA CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EXAMINATION) CANDIDATES: This year, BCC Secondary School is among the Secondary Schools in Kenya that are hosting the Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Examination candidates. The exam commenced on 21st October and will end on 15th November. To BCC, this is an auspicious and historical moment because these are the first such candidates since its inception 4 years ago. The 23 candidates are among the 260,000 candidates sitting this exam country wide. There are other peculiar aspects to this year's KCSE candidature. One of this is that the university entry points and grade were raised to a strong B+ with 68 points. The other aspect is that this year's candidates bring to an end the old syllabus, thus ushering in a totally new academic era with new exam formats. The challenge is, no matter what happens, the candidates are aware of the hard fact that it will be impossible for one to repeat Form IV (Grade 12). In order for one to repeat Form IV, they have to go back to either Form One (9th Grade) or Form 2 (10th Grade). In BCC Secondary School, the students have so far exuded confidence and compos mentis. We wish to extend our hearty gratitude to all our Sponsors locally and internationally whose tremendous and indispensable help made it possible for our orphans to achieve the fantastic dreams of their lives. Special thanks go to World Vision Kenya, Nairobi All Saints CathedralUDP, Uzima Foundation, Iris Groebe & Friends(Germany), and all those who did something for these wonderful children of Soweto including the entire BCC Secondary School Management and Staff, who have patiently stood by the children in good and bad times. We all hope that when the KCSE results come out early next year, we will all realize that every single cent spent on the children was worth it and we shall all be part and parcel of the winning team that will send more than 10 students to public universities. KCSE Results: February, 2006 Out of the 23 candidats, three gained entry to public universities while the rest have either joined tertiary insititutions or are serving in leadership positions in the community.

1 comment:

Gabi Greve said...

Dear Friends,
your activities are very important!

In the Kenya Saijiki, there is now also an entry about it, thanks go to Isabella !

. School Exams in Kenya .

All the best wishes!

Dr. Gabi Greve
World Kigo Database
. WHC World Kigo Database .
