Sunday, July 18, 2021

Madam Isabella from UDP (Urban Development Programme) based in Ireland on her visit to BCC on Saturday 12th November, 2005 to assess BCC's progress. UDP is a partner of All Saints Cathedral, Nairobi. BCC and UDP network on poverty eradication through education. UDP sponsors orphans' education in BCC's Secondary School. Next to Madam Isabella is Mrs. Lucy Irungu, UDP's Nairobi Area Co-Ordinator. The rest are BCC staff. Here, they watch a performance by BCC students.
Abject poverty is the leading cause in illiteracy and crime in Soweto slums. Youths whose parents or guardians fail to take to school due to lack of fees turn to many social evils such as juvenile deliquency, drug taking and trafficking, pre-marital sex, illicit brews, and prostitution. Some parents whose families are ravaged by abject poverty give out their children in domestic labour and prostitution. Poverty accounts for the large number of school drop outs. Students are forced to leave school for some time to go and work to raise fees; girls perform many domestic chores such as washing and ironing clothes, fetching water for people, cooking, etc. Boys work at construction sites, fetch water, etc.
Out of the 45,000 people who live in the slum, more than 50% are youth and children. BCC assists more than 200 children at its Bahati Community Centre in Soweto. BCC rescues, rehabilitates and educates victims of child abuse, teenage pregnancy, drug abuse and juvenile delinquency.
Mrs. Lucy Irungu of UDP and Embakasi SDO were also present at the ceremony.